Huseynova Telnaz

Huseynova Telnaz – daughter of Bayram was born in 1969 in Baku. She has graduated from secondary technical profession school #75. She works at the Azerbaijan State Musical Comedy Thathre as a choir actress since 1994. She is a timbre soprano. She has participated in "If not that one then this one”, "Banker Fiancé”, "Goodbye”, "Love on the stage”, "Love Game”, "Red Hat”, "The Merry Widow”, "Keep your hands in your pocket”, "Aunt Masma is my uncle”, "Countess Maritza", "When fates come together”, "Lover with Volga”, "The Gypsy Princess”, "Baydulla’s amazing wedding”, "Mad Gasskonet”, "If you get your share call your uncle”, "Fun with Ten Thousand Dollars”, "My cheerful heart”, "Crazy World”, ”Caliphate for a day”, "Laughing is forbidden”, "It’s impossible to live without women” and in "Temporary pleasure marriage”. She has also become a part of episodic roles such as – "Trader woman” at "Keep your hands in your pocket”, "Yenga” at "If not that one then this one”, "Rabbit” at "Failed trickle”, "Red Hat” at "Red Hat”.