"The Secret of a Castle" will find at the Musical Theater

The play "Secret of a Castle" staged by director Elmaddin Dadashov is being staged at the Azerbaijan State Academic Musical Theater based on the music of outstanding composer, People's Artist of the USSR Rauf Hajiyev and the motives of writer-folklorist Mammadhuseyn Tahmasib's play "Flowery mountain".

After a long preparatory process, the work of transferring the film version of the work to the stage was done by the production director, and the work of adapting the wonderful music of the great composer to the symphonic orchestra of the Musical Theater was performed by the Honored artist, composer Jeyhun Allahverdiyev.

The artistic director of the stage version of the historical film, which everyone has been watching with love for years, is Honored Art Worker, Doctor of Philosophy Aligismet Lalayev.

Noting that making the stage version of the film is a big responsibility, Elmaddin Dadashov gave more detailed information about it:

"The play "Flowery Mountain" written by the writer Muhammedhuseyn Tahmasib was written in 1935. The work, which is based on folk tales, was first screened in 1958 by film director Alisattar Atakishiyev.

The play is a work of art that demonstrates the people's intelligence, indomitable hand strength, and the bravery of our national heroes. Although it was written for children, the features of our fairy tales were skillfully used in this work, which is of interest to adults as well.

We have already started preparations and rehearsals for this play in the Musical Theater for 8 months. During this period, the wonderful music of the famous composer Rauf Hajiyev was reworked for the orchestra and we also restored some notes.

The music editor of the play, the composer, Jeyhun Allahverdiyev, unlike the film, gave new life to the musical examples of the genius composer in the play, which were not even played in the film, even though they were intended for the film.

 The fact that the successful creative laboratory is led by the well-known director and great theater organizer Aligismet Lalayev increases our responsibility even more."

It should be noted that the stage director of the play is Samad Suleymanli, stage designer Vusal Rahim, choir master Honored artist Vagif Mestanov, director Zaur Aliyev, dance director Honored artist Nigar Shahmuradova, costume designer Nubar Huseynova, assistant director Tamilla Aslanova.

People's artist Parviz Mammadrzayev entrusted the battle scenes in "The Secret of a Castle".

Date: 26.04.2024